Mouse Events Bleeding Through NSView

Without seeing your event-handling code it's difficult to know what's happening, but I suspect you might be calling super's implementation of the various event-handling methods in your implementations.

NSView is a subclass of NSResponder, so by default un-handled events are passed up the responder chain. The superview of a view is the next object in the responder chain, so if you call, for example, [super mouseDown:event] in your implementation of ‑mouseDown:, the event will be passed to the superview.

The fix is to ensure you don't call super's implementation in your event handlers.

This is incorrect:

- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent*)anEvent
    //do something
    [super mouseDown:event];

This is correct:

- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent*)anEvent
    //do something

Rob's answer and Maz's comment on that answer solve this issue, but just to make it absolutely explicit. In order to prevent a NSView from bleeding it's mouse events to the parent, one must implement the empty methods.

// NSResponder =========================================
- (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent*)event {}
- (void) mouseDragged:(NSEvent*)event {}
- (void) mouseUp:(NSEvent*)event {}