Multiple captions under a single figure

One example using subfig:



% png from
\includegraphics[trim=.5cm 20cm 2.2cm 0cm, clip,height=7cm]{Human} 
\subfloat[\label{man} This is a man waving.]{\hspace{.5\linewidth}}
\subfloat[\label{woman} This is a woman.]{\hspace{.5\linewidth}}
\caption[Man a woman]{Human specimens.\label{humans}}

As you can see in figure \ref{humans}, there are two types
of humans specimens: those that greet you (\ref{man}) 
and those that left the arms down (\ref{woman}).



If you have some conflict between subfig and hyperref, as noted by egreg cooment, you can use also the newest subcaption package. This example should produce the same output that above:



% png from
\includegraphics[trim=.5cm 20cm 2.2cm 0cm, clip,height=7cm]{/home/fran/Human} 

\subcaption{This is a man waving.}\label{man}
\subcaption{This is a woman}\label{woman}
\caption[Man a woman]{Human specimens.\label{humans}}


As you can see in figure \ref{humans}, there are two types
of humans specimens: those that greet you (\ref{man}) 
and those that left the arms down (\ref{woman}).



If you want figure 1 and 2 (instead of 1a and 1b), simply use \caption instead of \subcaption inside the minipages (of course, then you do not need the subcaptionpackage).

You can have as many \caption as you need in a figure

enter image description here




text .. text .. text .. text .. text .. 
text .. text .. text .. text .. text .. 
text .. text .. text .. text .. text .. 
text .. text .. text .. text .. text .. 
