Multiple output and numba signatures
You can either use explicit declarations or string declaration :
Tuple with homogeneous types :
def f(a) :
return a,a
@nb.jit('UniTuple(float64[:], 2)(float64[:])',nopython=True)
def f(a) :
return a,a
Tuple with heterogeneous types :
@nb.jit(nb.types.Tuple((nb.float64[:], nb.float64[:,:]))(nb.float64[:], nb.float64[:,:]),nopython=True)
def f(a, b) :
return a, b
@nb.jit('Tuple((float64[:], float64[:,:]))(float64[:], float64[:,:])',nopython=True)
def f(a, b) :
return a, b
Source : my own experiments, and the source code of Numba :
Of course, the solution proposed by DavidW is an excellent workaround when you do not know the exact type :
def f(a):
return a,a
According to this newsgroup post you can specify using numba.typeof(<an example of your tuple>)
For example
import numba as nb
# I've put "nopython=True" just to demonstrate it still works
# whether you need it is your choice
def f(a):
return a,a
print f(5.0) # returns 5.0,5.0
You could also build them from the components given in numba.types
, but that's probably more work than using typeof
The fact it can do this in nopython mode suggests performance should be OK (tuple unpacking is explicitly listed as a supported feature However, I haven't actually tested the performance.