Multiple Type Variable C#

EDIT Eric Lippert taught me this type of dispatch in one of his epic stackoverflow answers, and I'm searching for it at the moment. I will update this answer with a link if/when I track it down (the man has answered quite a few questions). Also, OP, you asked about performance, take a gander at this info also from Lippert: How does having a dynamic variable affect performance?

I would use a mix of dynamic with special case handling, and a generic type catch all for undefined (not yet implemented) types.

class Foo
  public dynamic Value { get; set; }

class FooHandler
  public void Serialize(Foo foo)

  void SerializeField(int field)
    Console.WriteLine("handle int");

  void SerializeField<T>(T field)
    throw new NotImplementedException("Serialization not implemented for type: " + typeof(T));

class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)
    Foo f = new Foo();
    f.Value = 1;

    FooHandler handler = new FooHandler();


And then add types at your leisure.