multiple values in mysql variable
There's good solution described here:
So you can use something like this:
SET @a := '20100630,20100701';
SELECT * FROM wordbase WHERE FIND_IN_SET(verified, @a);
Also, if you're selecting the ids for @a
from another table, you can come up with the following:
SET @a := (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id) FROM someTable where yourBooleanExpressionHere);
SELECT * FROM wordbase WHERE FIND_IN_SET(verified, @a);
You cannot (as far as I am aware) store multiple values in a MySQL user defined variable. What you have done is create a string which contains:
'20100630', '20100701'
That is not two separate values, but a single string value, just as this is a single string value:
SET @a := "It's a single string, and that's the problem";
You need to use two separate variables, or prepare a statement, like this:
SET @a := "20100630";
SET @b := "20100701";
SET @sql = CONCAT(
'SELECT * FROM wordbase WHERE verified IN (',
SELECT @sql;
| @sql |
| SELECT * FROM wordbase WHERE verified IN (20100630,20100701) |
PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
But that's kinda messy. Why do you need to use variables?
one could pull all values ( i.e. an id ) into a variable like so:
SET @var := (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id) FROM `table` WHERE `verified` = @verified GROUP BY verified);