mysql create database in custom folder
No its not possible .. there is no FOLDER
switch for the create database
command :
MySQL uses the folder specified in the my.cnf
file for the placement of its files - look for the datadir
option in the .cnf
Link to the docs for datadir
create a folder on the target drive for the data base you want to create.
make an mlink with the name of the database you want so if db name is db1 :
mklink /d db1 g:\db1data
on win7 need to start cmd prompt as admin - right click run as administrator.
g:\db1data should exist before running the mlink command and stop mysql before you do this, restart to see the new data base.
just used this to make a db on a RAM drive. Plan to copy it to a disk backed 'normal' db before shutdown!
Used tool imdisk with command :
imdisk -a -t vm -m g: -s 2g
To create the RAM disk first.
In Linux environment it can be painless using simple symbolic links:
1) first check in my.cnf [/etc/mysql/my.cnf] for database files destination.
2) let say that destination is in folder /var/lib/mysql/ and yours database name is "abccompany"
3) stop mysql database
4) move folder [var/lib/mysql/abccompany] to new destination (let say "/diskY")
5) make symbolic link:
ln -s /diskY/abccompany abccompany
6) start mysql database and everything should work just fine.