.NET Core debugging with VS Code - "Only 64-bit processes can be debugged"

Version 1.9.0 of the ms-vscode.csharp extension added desktop CLR support.

Modify your launch.json file:

"type" : "clr",
"program" : "path to x64 version of the executable.exe"

To target x64, modify your .csproj file like so:


An example program path after specifying the runtime id:

"program" : ${workspaceRoot}/src/bin/Debug/net461/win7-x64/example.exe

after losing a day "what to do...'

  1. here were the steps I use the UPDATE to move to ver 3 because was giving me a "Old version is in use'

from ver 2 to ver 3

you need to run CMD as Administrator you can skip to step 3 if you do not have install it

choco upgrade azure-functions-core-tools-3
  1. I uninstall it
    choco uninstall azure-functions-core-tools-3


THE MOMENT OF TRUTH To install the 64-bit version, which allows you to debug, you can use the command

choco install azure-functions-core-tools-3 --params="'/x64:true'"

BAM worked

The solution is in the first comment


thanks Tyler Doerksen life saver!!!!