Nice looking empty set?

Try \varnothing from the amssymb package. It is perfectly round, and the comprehensive LaTeX symbol list states that it is preferred by many to \emptyset.




$\oldemptyset$ $\emptyset$

enter image description here

I always just use "\O" in math mode:


enter image description here

I find that { } (\{\} in LateX) is perfectly clear to mathematicians, maybe not to computer scientists. I would use the following:

enter image description here

This is obtained with

    \State $myset \gets \{\}$
        \For{$i = 0\, \textbf{to}\, 4$}
            \State {$myset\gets myset\, ||\, (4 - i)$}\Comment{append $i$-th reversed index}

Using \emptyset would give

enter image description here This is obtained with

    \State $myset \gets \emptyset$
        \For{$i = 0\, \textbf{to}\, 4$}
            \State {$myset\gets myset\, ||\, (4 - i)$}\Comment{append $i$-th reversed index}