Nicer way of checking JavaScript namespace

I'd try something like this although it is prone to error if it receives some funky input:

if(check("TOP.middle.realModuleName")) {

//namespace checking function
function check(ns) {

  var pieces = ns.split('.'),
      current = window;

  for(i in pieces) {    
    if(!(current = current[pieces[i]])) {
      return false;

  return true;

You can use a try/catch and look for 'not_defined':

try {
    TOP.middle.realModuleName = function () { /*...*/ };
} catch(e) {
    if ( e.type == 'not_defined' ) {
        // exception
    else {
        // throw other errors
        throw e;

just encapsulate it in a TRY/CATCH?

try {
    return new TOP.middle.blablabla();
catch(err) {
    // oh no!

return null;

Try this simple helper function:

function exists(namespace) {    
   var tokens = namespace.split('.');
   return tokens.reduce(function(prev, curr) {
      return (typeof prev == "undefined") ? prev : prev[curr];
   }, window);

It takes a String as input and will return the object if it exists. You can use it like this:

var module = exists("TOP.middle.realModuleName");

For example:

exists("noexist"); // returns undefined
exists("window"); // returns DOMWindow
exists("window.innerHeight"); // returns Number
exists("window.innerHeight.toString"); // returns Function
exists("window.innerHeight.noexist"); // returns undefined

It also works properly for expressions that evaluate to false:

testNum = 0;
testBool = false;
testNull = null;

exists("testNum"); // returns 0
exists("testBool"); // returns false
exists("testNull"); // returns null