No metadata found for class-validator

This is because you are using class-validator but without any validations, see this issue:

Basically, it warns that you don't have any metadatas in the storage, which means you haven't used any decorator from class-validator. That means you don't perform any validation, so you should just pass validate: false option to buildSchema to disable automatic validation.

I'm not sure if you can turn of validation for nest's ValidationPipe, but alternatively you can just add an assertion to your dto (if it makes sense), e.g.:

import { Min } from 'class-validator';
export class QueryDto {
    readonly limit: number = 50;

By the way: Since your @Query will only have string properties, you'll probably want to transform your limit from string to number. Have a look at this answer.

The question has already been answered, but for future reference of people with the same problem...

The class-validator allows you to bypass the validation of certain property (whitelisting) special flags to validate any property.

As the docs:

This will strip all properties that don't have any decorators. If no other decorator is suitable for your property, you can use @Allow decorator


import {validate, Allow, Min} from "class-validator";

export class Post {

    title: string;

    views: number;

    nonWhitelistedProperty: number;