No suitable driver found (SQLite)

Your classpath is missing the jar(s) that contain the sqlite classes and driver. You need something like sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2.jar or your applicable version.

If you are sure the jar is there, try adding this line of code before you create a connection:


I got the same problem. I used maven and added dependency:


It could be compiled and I got:

No suitable driver found for jdbc:sqlite:xx.db

I Checked the classpath and I was sure sqlite-jdbc-3.15.1.jar was there. I guess that for some reason, the Class was not loaded, I don't know why. so I added


at the beginning of my code. It worked!

And ,I delete the line above. It still works! I cleaned the project and rebuild it, no more Class.forName() is needed!!! I still Don't know why. But the problem is solved. I think Class.forName() can be used for diagnose if the class you need is in the classpath.

There is something more than just Class.forName.

In the case you did both things below: - Added the sqlite jar library to lib folder under your project, reference to it in the project build path. - Added Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC") statement. And the error message "No suit driver" still appear, its may caused by your database path. If you are using Windows: Instead of:


You should use:


The "jdbc:sqlite:" will do the trick.

If you are using Linux, just change the seperator character: DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:/your/somepath/my-db.sqlite").