Node - check existence of command in path

Personally I have found that the command-exists module on npm works great.


npm install command-exists


  • async

    var commandExists = require('command-exists');
    commandExists('ls', function(err, commandExists) {
        if(commandExists) {
            // proceed confidently knowing this command is available
  • promise

    var commandExists = require('command-exists');
    // invoked without a callback, it returns a promise
        // proceed
        // command doesn't exist
  • sync

    var commandExistsSync = require('command-exists').sync;
    // returns true/false; doesn't throw
    if (commandExistsSync('ls')) {
        // proceed
    } else {
        // ...

You could use whereis in Linux, and where in Windows, to see if the executable can be found

var isWin = require('os').platform().indexOf('win') > -1;

var where = isWin ? 'where' : 'whereis';

var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;

var out = spawn(where + ' ls', ['/?'], {encoding: 'utf8'});

out.on('close', function (code) {
    console.log('exit code : ' + code);

DON'T use child_process just for that, neither packages which use child_process internally. As Matt already answered, the most straightforward way is just checking under your Path.

Here is a NPM lookpath package which scans your $PATH or $Path.

const { lookpath } = require('lookpath');

const p = await lookpath('bash');
// "/bin/bash"

This is a Node.js port of exec.LookPath from Go.

Hope it helps