Nodejs Passport display username

Helpers are not supported with Express v4.x

A good alternative is to create a middleware such as:

app.use((req, res, next) => {
    res.locals.user = req.user;

Then you can use the "user" variable in your views.

The user (as supplied by the verify callback), is set as a property on the request at req.user.

Any properties of the user can be accessed through that object, in your case req.user.username and req.user.displayName.

If you're using Express, and want to expose the username as a variable within a template, that can be done when rendering:

app.get('/hello', function(req, res) {
    res.render('index.jade', { username: req.user.username });

Routes Code -

router.get('/', ensureAuthenticated, function(req, res){
  res.render('administrator/dashboard',{title: 'Dashboard', user:req.user.username });

.ejs File Code -

Welcome:  <%= user %>  

I've created a simple view helper to have access to authentication status and user information

var helpers = {};

helpers.auth = function(req, res) {
    var map = {};
    map.isAuthenticated = req.isAuthenticated();
    map.user = req.user;
    return map;


After doing that you will be able to acess the object auth on your views, for example auth.user.xxxx.