Obfuscated Hello World


Since the obvious answer uses shifting of some kind, I feel obligated to post something using Acme::EyeDrops, however with the extra power I thought mine ought to be a little more fun.

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Since Perl version 5.18, the mechanism that allows this code to run has become so powerful that it has been disabled by default to prevent misuse. Therefore on versions 5.18+ you can either add use re 'eval'; to the top of the script or, if the script is named world.pl you can run it like perl -Mre=eval world.pl. It is unfortunate that these unsightly characters must be added, but c'est la vie. (Note: I want to emphasize that enabling this feature is not using some library or addon, the code displayed is valid Perl code, the mechanism is simply no longer enabled by default).

C# (175 chars)

It was quite a challenge to do this in C# because the restrictions preclude any use of quite a lot of the common keywords. It is possible in C# to use \uxxxx Unicode escape sequences in identifiers, but unfortunately not in keywords.

I suspect that this solution only works when compiled against .NET 4.0. See explanation for why.

using System;struct a{static int Main(){object[]c={"\u0048e\x6c\x6co "+(C\u0068ar)(86+1)+"or\x6c\x64"};typeof(Conso\u006ce).GetMet\u0068o\u0064s()[101].Invoke(c,c);return 0;}}


// I won’t be able to get anywhere without using “System”.
// Even if I write it as “Syst\u0065m”, it still violates rule 2.
// Therefore, that is the rule we’ll violate.
using System;

// Thus, we can’t use: H L W D 2 7
// We can’t write “class”, so the Main type must be a struct.
struct a
    // We can’t write “void”, so Main needs to return an int.
    static int Main()
        // We can’t write “new”, but we can instantiate an array
        // using the initialisation syntax.
        object[] c = {
            "\u0048e\x6c\x6co " + (C\u0068ar) (86 + 1) + "or\x6c\x64"

        // We can use the character escape sequence to write “Console”, but not
        // “Write” because W is \u0057, which contains a 7. Therefore, we have to
        // use Reflection to get it. This relies on the fact that Console.Write(string)
        // is the 102nd method of the type Console in my copy of the framework.
        // Also, the first argument to Invoke can be anything for a static method
        // (needn’t be null). The second one is the actual argument to Console.Write.
        typeof(Conso\u006ce).GetMet\u0068o\u0064s()[101].Invoke(c, c);

        // Since Main returns int, we have to return something.
        return 0;

GolfScript, 17 chars


When testing this submission, please save the file as straight binary, not UTF-8. Having trouble recreating the file? Here's the hexdump of it:

00000000  27 b7 9a 93 93 90 df a8  90 8d 93 9b 27 7b 7e 7d  |'...........'{~}|
00000010  25                                                |%|