Tree traversal.

Haskell — 84 76 characters

data N a=N{v::a,c::[N a]}
b(N a b)=d[a]b
d r[]=r
d r n=d(r++(map v n))$n>>=c

In a more readable format:

data Node a = Node {value::Int, children::[Node a]}

bfs :: Node Int -> [Int]
bfs (Node a b) = bfs' [a] b
  where bfs' res [] = res
        bfs' res n = bfs' (res ++ (map value n)) $ concatMap children n

The code allows infinite number of child nodes (not just left and right).

Sample tree:

sampleTree = 
    N 1 [N 2 [N 5 [N  9 [], 
                   N 10 []], 
              N 6 []],
         N 3 [], 
         N 4 [N 7 [N 11 [], 
                   N 12 []], 
              N 8 []]]

Sample run:

*Main> b sampleTree

Nodes are expanded in the order shown in Breadth-first search article on Wikipedia.

Haskell: 63 characters

data N a=N{v::a,c::[N a]}
b n=d[n]
d n=map v n++d(n>>=c)

This is really just a variation on @Yasir's solution, but that one isn't community wiki, and I couldn't edit it.

By just expanding the names, and replacing concatMap for >>=, the above golf'd code becomes perfectly reasonable Haskell:

data Tree a = Node { value :: a, children :: [Tree a] }

breadthFirst t = step [t]
  where step [] = []
        step ts = map value ts ++ step (concatMap children ts)

The only possibly golf-like trick is using >>= for concatMap, though even that isn't really that uncommon in real code.

Common Lisp, 69 chars

returns rather than prints the list and takes input as argument

(defun b(e)(apply #'nconc (mapcar #'car (cdr e))(mapcar #'b (cdr e))))

Format is the same as below except it requires a 'dummy' root node like so:

(root (a (b (1) (2)) (c (1) (2))))

Common Lisp: (95 chars)

This one reads and prints instead of using arg parsing

(labels((b(e)(format t "~{~A~%~}"(mapcar #'car (cdr e)))(mapcar #'b (cdr e))))(b`((),(read))))

input to stdin should be a lisp form s.t. a tree with root a and two children b and c, each of which have children 1 & 2 should be (a (b (1) (2)) (c (1) (2)))

or equivalently -
