onActivityResult returned from a camera, Intent null

Here is the answer from a similar question. It seems like it might be a problem with Samsung phones...

Basically, if you have code like this which creates the Intent:

Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);

fileUri = getOutputMediaFileUri(MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE); // create a file to save the image
intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, fileUri); // set the image file name

// start the image capture Intent
startActivityForResult(intent, CAPTURE_IMAGE_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE);

Then, in onActivityResult, replace data.getData() with fileUri.toString() and it will solve your problem.

Try out below code :

 Button m_btnCamera;
  ImageView m_ivCaptureImage;
  String m_curentDateandTime;
  String m_imagePath;
  Bitmap m_bitmap;

   //Start camera to caputre image.
 Intent m_intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
  m_intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, getImageUri());
  startActivityForResult(m_intent, TAKE_PHOTO_CODE);

 private Uri getImageUri() throws CustomException
    Uri m_imgUri = null;
    File m_file;
        SimpleDateFormat m_sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss");
        m_curentDateandTime = m_sdf.format(new Date());
        m_imagePath = File.getPath() + File.separator + m_curentDateandTime + ".jpg";
        m_file = new File(m_imagePath);
        m_imgUri = Uri.fromFile(m_file);
    catch (Exception p_e)
    return m_imgUri;        

  protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
  super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
 if (requestCode == TAKE_PHOTO_CODE && resultCode == RESULT_OK)
        m_bitmap = ImageHelper.scaleImage(m_imagePath, 200, 200);
            m_bitmap = ImageHelper.rotateImage(m_bitmap, true, m_rotate);

Use @KJ50's solution, and use savedInstanceState to make sure you don't get a null.

     * Here we store the file url as it will be null after returning from camera
     * app
    protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

        // save file url in bundle as it will be null on screen orientation
        // changes
        outState.putParcelable("file_uri", fileUri);

    protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // get the file url
        fileUri = savedInstanceState.getParcelable("file_uri");

The problem with your code is this:


This call does not get the extra with the key "data" from the returned Intent. It gets the field data from the returned Intent which is probably null.

You need to get the extra from the returned Intent like this:


Some of the other answers have indicated this, embedded in tons of other code. That makes it difficult to actually see what the problem is.