"Open containing folder" hotkey in Visual Studio 2012
Unfortunately you'll now need to download the VSSDK and create a VSPackage to do that, now that macros have been dropped from the IDE.
The closest thing to a macro now is a PowerShell script, which you could run from the console but I'm not aware of any way to assign a keyboard shortcut to it.
Running PS outside of the IDE is an option (via an External Tool command with a keyboard shortcut configured), but obtaining the EnvDTE outside of process could be complicated.
EDIT: There is a much simpler solution. I can't believe I didn't realise it to begin with!
Simply go into Tools... Options... Environment... Keyboard locate File.OpenContainingFolder
and assign a shortcut. This command will open the active document's containing folder.
I found a keyboard shortcut for Open Containing Folder: Alt + - + O
When you press Alt + - it opens Tab Context Menu
Then you see that the shortcut key for Open Containing Folder is O key, then you should press O.