Optimally cutting a stick at specified locations

This is actually a problem from the UVa Online Judge. http://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&problem=944

In this problem L < 1000 and n < 50.

As I mentioned in the comments, if you notice then for each cut, the possible lengths of stick at which the cut can be made = n.

The total possible remaining lengths shall be finite and for each remaining length the number of sets of cuts remaining shall also be finite. So you can build a DP on the remaining lengths.

Starting from the smallest, for each 'remaining length', you can calculate the minimum cost of cutting it down further.

Something like:

DP[k][SetOfCutsRemaining] = k + Min( DP[m1][SetOfCutsRemaining till c1] 
                                 + DP[k-m1][SetOfCutsremaining from c1], 
                                 DP[m2][SetOfCutsRemaining till c2] 
                                 + DP[k-m2][SetOfCutsremaining from c2],... )
                           where mi are the lengths remaining if we make a cut at ci

You will then need to do this till DP[L][InitialSetOfCuts].

In the example problem, L = 10, ci = 2, 4, 7

The remaining lengths and their corresponding cuts remaining are as follows. Note that the number of combinations shall be C(n+2,2) = (n+2)(n+1)/2 = 10 in this case

2 {} (2 times, 0-2 and 2-4)
3 {} (2 times, 4-7 and 7-10)
4 {c1}
5 {c2}
6 {c3}
7 {c1, c2}
8 {c2, c3}
10 {c1, c2, c3}

DP[2][{}] = 0 (No cut remaining)
DP[3][{}] = 0 (No cut remaining)
DP[4][{c1}] = 4 (1 cut remaining)
DP[5][{c2}] = 5 (1 cut remaining)
DP[6][{c3}] = 6 (1 cut remaining)
DP[7][{c1,c2}] = 7 + Min( DP[2]{} + DP[5][{c2}], DP[3]{} + DP[4][{c1}] )
               = 7 + Min( 5, 4 ) = 11.
DP[8][{c2,c3}] = 8 + Min( DP[2]{} + DP[6][{c3}], DP[3]{} + DP[5][{c2}] )
               = 8 + Min( 6, 5 ) = 13.
DP[10][{c1,c2,c3}] = 10 + Min( DP[2]{} + DP[8][{c2,c3}], DP[4]{c1} + DP[6][{c3},
                                DP[7][{c1,c2}] + DP[3]{} )
               = 10 + Min( 13, 10, 11 ) = 20.

First, assuming we have an ascending-order array of cutting position, so in OP example, it will be {2,4,7}

At first, we have the stick with length from 0 to n, so we call function

int cal(int start, int end , int [] cuts)

with start = 0 and end = n.

For every cutting point which is greater than start and less than end, we have the formula

int result = 1000000;
for(int i = 0; i < cuts.length; i++){
   if(cuts[i]> start && cuts[i]<end){
         int val = (end - start) + cal(start, cuts[i], cuts) + cal(cuts[i],end , cuts); 
         result = min(val, result);

and the DP table can be simply


So, the whole solution will be:

int cal(int start, int end, int[]cuts){
    if(dp[start][end]!= -1){//Some initializations need to be done
        return dp[start][end];
    int result = 1000000;
    for(int i = 0; i < cuts.length; i++){
       if(cuts[i]> start && cuts[i]<end){
         int val = (end - start + 1) + cal(start, cuts[i], cuts) + cal(cuts[i],end , cuts); 
         result = min(val, result);
    return dp[start][end] = result;

To further enhance the space using, we can refer each cut position as its index in the array cuts.

Added start and end point to the cut arrays, we have following arrays


By referring to start position as index 0, end as index 4, we can decrease the space of array dp from dp[10][10] to dp[5][5]

One more DP solution:

Let's COST(a,b) is the best cost of cutting the segment between a-th and b-th cut point. It is clear that COST(a,a) and COST(a,a+1) is zero. We can compute the best value of COST(a,b) as minimum of cuts through all the middle points a+1...b-1 plus own segment length. So we can fill triangle table diagonal by diagonal and find final result as COST(start,end) with O(N^3) time complexity and O(N^2) space

Delphi code (outputs Cost 20 Sequence 4 2 7)

  Cuts: TArray<Integer>;
  Cost: array of array of Integer;
  CutSequence: array of array of String;
  N, row, col, leftpos, rightpos, cutpos, Sum: Integer;
  Cuts := TArray<Integer>.Create(0, 2, 4, 7, 10); // start, cuts, end points
  N := Length(Cuts);
  SetLength(Cost, N, N);  //zero-initialized 2D array
  SetLength(CutSequence, N, N);  //zero-initialized 2D array

  for rightpos := 2 to N - 1 do
    for leftpos := rightpos - 2 downto 0 do begin //walk along the diagonals
                                                  //using previously computed results
      //find the best (mincost) cut
      Cost[leftpos, rightpos] := MaxInt; //big value
      for cutpos := leftpos + 1 to rightpos - 1 do begin
        Sum := Cost[leftpos, cutpos] + Cost[cutpos, rightpos];
        if Sum < Cost[leftpos, rightpos] then begin
          Cost[leftpos, rightpos] := Sum;
          //write down best sequence
          CutSequence[leftpos, rightpos] := Format('%d %s %s', [Cuts[CutPos],
            CutSequence[leftpos, cutpos], CutSequence[cutpos, rightpos]]);

      //add own length
      Cost[leftpos, rightpos] :=
        Cost[leftpos, rightpos] + Cuts[rightpos] - Cuts[leftpos];

  //show the best result
  Caption := Format('Cost %d  Sequence %s',[Cost[0, N-1], CutSequence[0, N-1]]);

