Optional parent element in Vue.js

For Vue v3.x, the following would work:

    :is="condition ? 'custom-component' : 'v-fragment'"
// VFragment.vue

  export default {
    inheritAttrs: false,

For Vue v2.x, a workaround is to do:

    :is="condition ? 'custom-component' : 'v-div'"
// VDiv.vue

  export default {
    inheritAttrs: false,

The tradeoff is there will be an extra element like div being rendered, since Vue v2.x doesn't support fragment.

After some more digging, I found a way that works and is actually very simple. It uses the is special attribute that is actually meant to be used when you cannot bind components to HTML elements directly.

<a :href="link" :is="link ? 'a' : 'span'">Some text</a>

This will result in either of the following:

<a href="somelink">Some text</a> <!-- when link is truthy -->
<span>Some text</span>           <!-- when link is falsy -->


