Orchard CMS: Cannot install modules from dashboard gallery

Updated Feed URL:

This answers here should be updated, as the new Gallery Feed URL has changed:

NEW Feed URL: https://orchardgallery.azurewebsites.net/api/FeedService

Steps to update older Orchard versions

Go Admin > Settings > Gallery, then click the "Add Feed" button on the top right to paste the new feed URL.

You can then delete the old one feed URL:

OLD Feed URL: http://packages.orchardproject.net/FeedService.svc

The red error should disappear now from the Modules Gallery section.

I think the issue is that the URL is case-sensitive. I had the exact same issue with the new package URL that Bertrand supplied. However, changing the case feedservice.svc to FeedService.svc fixed this. With this gallery URL, I'm now able to install modules from the dashboard:


