Orient the Rubik's Cube

JavaScript (ES6), 95 bytes


This works similarly to @Arnauld's answer (credits to him for the idea), but inputs as a base-10 integer (with 123456 instead of WYROGB), which skips the base decoding.

Hash function

Input  | mod 10955 | mod 24 | Output
136452 |      4992 |      0 | "y2"
145362 |      2947 |     19 | ""
153642 |       272 |      8 | "Y"
164532 |       207 |     15 | "y"
235461 |      5406 |      6 | "z2"
246351 |      5341 |     13 | "x2"
254631 |      2666 |      2 | "Zyx"
263541 |       621 |     21 | "z2Y"
315264 |      8524 |      4 | "z"
326154 |      8459 |     11 | "Zy2"
352614 |      2054 |     14 | "zX"
361524 |         9 |      9 | "zx"
416253 |     10918 |     22 | "Zx2"
425163 |      8873 |     17 | "Z"
451623 |      2468 |     20 | "Zx"
462513 |      2403 |      3 | "ZX"
514236 |     10306 |     10 | "zy"
523146 |      8261 |      5 | "ZY"
531426 |      5586 |     18 | "z2x"
542316 |      5521 |      1 | "X"
613245 |     10720 |     16 | "zY"
624135 |     10655 |     23 | "Zy"
632415 |      7980 |     12 | "z2X"
641325 |      5935 |      7 | "x"

Test Cases


JavaScript (ES6), 114 bytes

Saved 15 bytes thanks to @ngn

Picking the results from a lookup table turns out to be significantly shorter than my best attempt so far at golfing a solver.

Outputs X, Y and Z instead of x', y', z'.


Test cases

let f =


console.log(f('YBRGOW')); // z2Y
console.log(f('WOGRBY')); // nothing
console.log(f('GRWOYB')); // z2x
console.log(f('WRBOGY')); // y2
console.log(f('RBWGYO')); // zx
console.log(f('GWOYRB')); // zy


Here is the solver used to generate the moves stored in the lookup table.

s => {
  const rot = [ '215304', '023415', '152043' ];
  const S = [];

  // recursive function looking for all possible solutions of at most 6 clockwise moves
  const g = (s, m, r = 0) => {
    if(s == 'WOGRBY') {
      // this is a solution; replace 3 consecutive identical clockwise moves with a
      // single counterclockwise move; rewrite 2 consecutive identical moves as 'x2';
      // store the result in S[]
      S.push(m.replace(/(.)\1\1/g, s => s[0].toUpperCase()).replace(/(.)\1/g, '$12'));
    else if(!m[5]) {
      // try the next rotation on the current cube
      if(r < 2) {
        g(s, m, r + 1);
      // apply the current rotation and restart from there
      g([...rot[r]].reduce((r, i) => r + s[i], ''), m + 'xyz'[r]);

  // find all solutions
  g(s, '');
  // find the length of the shortest solution(s)
  const min = Math.min(...S.map(s => s.length));
  // return the 1st solution matching this length
  return S.find(s => s.length == min);

Hash function

Below is a summary of the results provided by the hash function for all 24 valid inputs, along with the corresponding solutions.

 input    | base 35->10 | * 35        | mod 405 | mod 31 | output
 "WOGRBY" |  1717434494 | 60110207290 |     370 |     29 | ""
 "WBOGRY" |  1698256454 | 59438975890 |     175 |     20 | "y"
 "WRBOGY" |  1721718494 | 60260147290 |      55 |     24 | "y2"
 "WGRBOY" |  1705881974 | 59705869090 |     400 |     28 | "Y"
 "OGWBYR" |  1285921692 | 45007259220 |      45 |     14 | "Zx"
 "OYGWBR" |  1312271862 | 45929515170 |     120 |     27 | "Z"
 "OBYGWR" |  1278510372 | 44747863020 |     270 |     22 | "ZX"
 "OWBYGR" |  1309058862 | 45817060170 |     255 |      7 | "Zx2"
 "GRWOYB" |   882269476 | 30879431660 |     110 |     17 | "z2x"
 "GYRWOB" |   892568926 | 31239912410 |      80 |     18 | "ZY"
 "GOYRWB" |   877856956 | 30724993460 |     155 |      0 | "X"
 "GWOYRB" |   889441606 | 31130456210 |     395 |     23 | "zy"
 "RBWGYO" |  1435990314 | 50259660990 |     150 |     26 | "zx"
 "RYBWGO" |  1469623284 | 51436814940 |     135 |     11 | "Zy2"
 "RGYBWO" |  1443572994 | 50525054790 |     285 |      6 | "zX"
 "RWGYBO" |  1466838684 | 51339353940 |     360 |     19 | "z"
 "BYOWRG" |   629831036 | 22044086260 |     250 |      2 | "Zy"
 "BRYOWG" |   619745786 | 21691102510 |     325 |     15 | "z2X"
 "BWRYOG" |   626960756 | 21943626460 |     295 |     16 | "zY"
 "BOWRYG" |   615161906 | 21530666710 |      10 |     10 | "x"
 "YOBRGW" |  1822264042 | 63779241470 |     230 |     13 | "x2"
 "YGOBRW" |  1810797202 | 63377902070 |      35 |      4 | "Zyx"
 "YRGOBW" |  1826976442 | 63944175470 |       5 |      5 | "z2"
 "YBRGOW" |  1803428722 | 63120005270 |     350 |      9 | "z2Y"

Ruby, 84 83 bytes

->a{k=a.index(0);%W{#{} z x Z X zz xx}[k+=k/5*a[2]/3]+%W{#{} Y yy y}[a[c=1+k%2]-c]}

Try it online!

Llambda function taking an array of 6 numbers 0..5 representing the faces, with the following solved configuration


Searches for the index of the array element containing 0 and selects a string for the move required to move it to the top: either by rotating in the x or z axis (or the empty string if it is already there, represented by #{} in %W{} notation.)

Then, inspect either array element 1 or 2 (whichever would not be altered by performing the move in the above step), select a string (always rotation in the y axis) for the move required to move the contents of the element to their solved location, and return the concatenated moves.

An issue arises when the index of the array containing 0 is 5, as there are two possible moves that will return it to the top: zz and xx. If array element 2 (the front of the cube) contains 2 the cube can be completely solved by zz, and if it contains 4 it can be solved by xx. The default is value to be returned is zz but if the front face contains 3 or 4 the expression k/5*a[2]/3 adds 1 to the index of %W{#{} z x Z X zz xx} that is returned, correcting it to xx. (Note that if the front face contains 1 or 3 it doesn't matter whether xxor zz is used as in these cases an additional 90 deg rotation will be required about the y axis regardless of whether xx or zz is used.)