Overriding code-generated DbContext constructor
I up-voted the previous accepted answer because it is a fairly elegant way of doing it. However another approach would be to modify the T4 template that generates the dbContext Class.
When using EF DB first you have a .edmx file and under that you have an [Entity].Context.tt file. Go into that file and remove (or modify) the following code:
public <#=code.Escape(container)#>()
: base("name=<#=container.Name#>")
if (!loader.IsLazyLoadingEnabled(container))
this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
foreach (var entitySet in container.BaseEntitySets.OfType<EntitySet>())
// Note: the DbSet members are defined below such that the getter and
// setter always have the same accessibility as the DbSet definition
if (Accessibility.ForReadOnlyProperty(entitySet) != "public")
now your context class will generate without a constructor, so you should be able to go and create one in an extended class.
The best I can suggest is a factory method:
private HOLDbEntities(string contextName) : base(contextName) { }
public static HOLDbEntities Create() {
return new HOLDbEntities(ContextName);
and use HOLDbEntities.Create()
rather than new HOLDbEntities()