Package incompatibilites: etoolbox, hyperref, and bm, standalone?

(Martin has posted an answer, but there is a bit more to this!) The problem arises due to an issue with the definition of \@@end. This is where the LaTeX kernel stores the TeX \end primitive (so that \end can be reused for environments). The bm package does various tests for \@@end which rely on it being the primitive. What is happening is that etoolbox does


which tries to patch \enddocument, and if it cannot then alters the definition of \@@end. In the standard classes, the patch works (it looks for \deadcycles), and so all is well. On the other hand, this fails for standalone as it redefines \enddocument as


So in this case, etoolbox does it's 'fall-back' patch, and then the tests in bm fail.

If you do not need the end-document hook, the fix is easy


I have now taken up maintenance of etoolbox and a fix has been applied to the code. The approach now taken is to delay redefining \@@end as late as possible using the \AtEndDocument hook.

The issues is that both the standalone class and the etoolbox package redefine the document environment. This causes a clash. You can avoid this by loading etoolbox before the class using \RequirePackage. I will try to support the normal of this package, but it will take a while until I have to time to release a new version of standalone.


\def\RemoveEToolbox{}% Shows that this works fine without {etoolbox}

    \newcommand*{\iftoggle}[3]{#2}% Default to true value of "if"

    %\renewcommand{\bm}[1]{#1}% Why can't I have a normal \bm with {etoolbox}?



% \usepackage{hyperref}


This document is intended for 

\bm{\textcolor{blue}{Solve $x^2-1=0$}}

    a &= b\\
        c &= d\\
    e &= f\\

Update 2011/12/21

The new version 1.0 of standalone works fine with etoolbox, due to a changed way to patch the document environment. However, the new default settings ignore paragraph breaks, so you will a problem with align*. You can fix easily this by using the varwidth class option.