pandas - find first occurrence
I found there is first_valid_index function for Pandas DataFrames that will do the job, one could use it as follows:
However, this function seems to be very slow. Even taking the first index of the filtered dataframe is faster:
Below I compare the total time(sec) of repeating calculations 100 times for these two options and all the codes above:
total_time_sec ratio wrt fastest algo
searchsorted numpy: 0.0007 1.00
argmax numpy: 0.0009 1.29
for loop: 0.0045 6.43
searchsorted pandas: 0.0075 10.71
idxmax pandas: 0.0267 38.14
index[0]: 0.0295 42.14
first_valid_index pandas: 0.1181 168.71
Notice numpy's searchsorted is the winner and first_valid_index shows worst performance. Generally, numpy algorithms are faster, and the for loop does not do so bad, but it's just because the dataframe has very few entries.
For a dataframe with 10,000 entries where the desired entries are closer to the end the results are different, with searchsorted delivering the best performance:
total_time_sec ratio wrt fastest algo
searchsorted numpy: 0.0007 1.00
searchsorted pandas: 0.0076 10.86
argmax numpy: 0.0117 16.71
index[0]: 0.0815 116.43
idxmax pandas: 0.0904 129.14
first_valid_index pandas: 0.1691 241.57
for loop: 9.6504 13786.29
The code to produce these results is below:
import timeit
# code snippet to be executed only once
mysetup = '''import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({"A":['a','a','a','b','b'],"B":[1]*5})
# code snippets whose execution time is to be measured
mycode_set = ['''
message = ["first_valid_index pandas:"]
mycode_set.append( '''df.loc[df.A!='a','A'].index[0]''')
message.append("index[0]: ")
mycode_set.append( ''''a').idxmax()''')
message.append("idxmax pandas: ")
mycode_set.append( '''(df.A.values != 'a').argmax()''')
message.append("argmax numpy: ")
mycode_set.append( '''df.A.searchsorted('a', side='right')''')
message.append("searchsorted pandas: ")
mycode_set.append( '''df.A.values.searchsorted('a', side='right')''' )
message.append("searchsorted numpy: ")
mycode_set.append( '''for index in range(len(df['A'])):
if df['A'][index] != 'a':
ans = index
message.append("for loop: ")
total_time_in_sec = []
for i in range(len(mycode_set)):
mycode = mycode_set[i]
total_time_in_sec.append(np.round(timeit.timeit(setup = mysetup,\
stmt = mycode, number = 100),4))
output = pd.DataFrame(total_time_in_sec, index = message, \
columns = ['total_time_sec' ])
output["ratio wrt fastest algo"] = \
output = output.sort_values(by = "total_time_sec")
For the larger dataframe:
mysetup = '''import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
n = 10000
lt = ['a' for _ in range(n)]
b = ['b' for _ in range(5)]
lt[-5:] = b
df = pd.DataFrame({"A":lt,"B":[1]*n})
and argmax
will return the position of the maximal value or the first position if the maximal value occurs more than once.
use idxmax
or the numpy
(df.A.values != 'a').argmax()
However, if A
has already been sorted, then we can use searchsorted
df.A.searchsorted('a', side='right')
Or the numpy
df.A.values.searchsorted('a', side='right')