Parenthesize an expression

JavaScript (ES6) 179 (263 -20% -5% -10%)


As the other two answers are currently both wrong, I'll post mine. It's a variation of the expression parser that I used here and here and somewhere else. Look there for more detailed algorithm explanations.

It's quite bulky but it should work.

Test snippet


// More readable
       :W=[w+t+v,...W,z=w=v=''] // overfill W to save 2 chars ()

console.log=(...x)=>O.textContent+=x.join` `+'\n'

  ['3+-5','(3+(-5))'],['-3+-4*7','((-3)+((-4)*7))'], // bonus 20%
  ['3  + 4','(3+4)'], // bonus 5%
  ['1+.12','(1+.12)'],['1+0.21/3','(1+(0.21/3))'] // bonus 10%
].forEach(t=>{var k=t[1],i=t[0],r=f(i); console.log(i+' : '+r+(r==k? ' OK':' Fail expecting '+k))})
<pre id=O></pre>

Python, 153 * 0.9 = 137.7 bytes

def p(e):
 for o in"+-*/":
    for i,c in enumerate(e):
        if(c==o)*(0==sum([(d=="(")-(d==")")for d in e[:i]])):return"("+p(e[:i])+o+p(e[i+1:])+")"
 return e

This program handles decimal input.

The second line begins with a space, the second begins with a tab, the third with two tabs and the third with a space. This saved one byte. Here's a hexdump (xxdp p):

0000000: 6465 6620 7028 6529 3a0a 2066 6f72 206f  def p(e):. for o
0000010: 2069 6e22 2b2d 2a2f 223a 0a09 666f 7220   in"+-*/":..for 
0000020: 692c 6320 696e 2065 6e75 6d65 7261 7465  i,c in enumerate
0000030: 2865 293a 0a09 0969 6628 633d 3d6f 292a  (e):...if(c==o)*
0000040: 2830 3d3d 7375 6d28 5b28 643d 3d22 2822  (0==sum([(d=="("
0000050: 292d 2864 3d3d 2229 2229 666f 7220 6420  )-(d==")")for d 
0000060: 696e 2065 5b3a 695d 5d29 293a 7265 7475  in e[:i]])):retu
0000070: 726e 2228 222b 7028 655b 3a69 5d29 2b6f  rn"("+p(e[:i])+o
0000080: 2b70 2865 5b69 2b31 3a5d 292b 2229 220a  +p(e[i+1:])+")".
0000090: 2072 6574 7572 6e20 650a                  return e.

Here's a program I used for testing: (Save the program above as

import paren

cases = {
        "2+3*4": "(2+(3*4))", 
        "(2+3)*4": "((2+3)*4)", 
        "1+2+3+4": "(1+(2+(3+4)))", 
        "3/2+5": "((3/2)+5)", 
        "1+2-3": "(1+(2-3))", 
        "2-1+2": "((2-1)+2)",
        "3+-5": "(3+(-5))",
        "1+.12": "(1+.12)",
        "1+0.21/3": "(1+(0.21/3))",

for num, case in enumerate(cases):
    print "\n\n\033[1m\033[38;5;14mCase #%d: %s" % (num + 1, case)
    result = paren.p(case)
    print "\033[38;5;4mParenthesize returned: %s" % (result)
    solution = cases[case]
    if result == solution:
        print "\033[38;5;76mCorrect!"
        print "\033[38;5;9mNot correct!"

Make sure that your terminal uses the \033[38;5;<COL>m escape code for colors.