parsing json dictionary in javascript to iterate through keys

Parse it back to? You could just iterate over it as the object that it is.

Say you defined your JSON object as a variable through a closure or something, or for the sake of example just as a variable hardcoded... IE:

var myJSON = "{"AboutToExpire":{"Display":true,"Message":"Several of your subscriptions are about to expire. \u003ca id=\"lnkShowExpiringSubs\" href=\"#\"\u003eView subscriptions\u003c/a\u003e"},"Expired":{"Display":true,"Message":"Your McAfee WaveSecure - Tablet Edition subscription has expired and you’ve been without protection for 384 days. \u003ca id=\"lnkNotificationRenewNow\" href=\"\"\u003eRenew now\u003c/a\u003e"}}"

with jquery's each() you can just iterate over it like.

$each(myJSON, function(x){document.print(myJSON.AboutToExpire[x].Message);`});

var s = '{"AboutToExpire":{"Display":true,"Message":"Several of your subscriptions are about to expire. \u003ca id=\"lnkShowExpiringSubs\" href=\"#\"\u003eView subscriptions\u003c/a\u003e"},"Expired":{"Display":true,"Message":"Your McAfee WaveSecure - Tablet Edition subscription has expired and you’ve been without protection for 384 days. \u003ca id=\"lnkNotificationRenewNow\" href=\"\"\u003eRenew now\u003c/a\u003e"}}';

var data = eval(s); // this will convert your json string to a javascript object

for (var key in data) {
    if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // this will check if key is owned by data object and not by any of it's ancestors
        alert(key+': '+data[key]); // this will show each key with it's value

Use JSON2.js

var obj = JSON.parse(data);
for(var key in obj){
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)){
        var value=obj[key];
        // work with key and value


