Pass multiple parameters to

One argument that is repeated, one argument in c

from itertools import repeat
for result in, repeat(a), c):

Need to unpack items of c, and can unpack c

from itertools import izip
for result in, *izip(*c)):

Need to unpack items of c, can't unpack c

  1. Change f to take a single argument and unpack the argument in the function.
  2. If each item in c has a variable number of members, or you're calling f only a few times: args, f=f: f(*args), c)

    It defines a new function that unpacks each item from c and calls f. Using a default argument for f in the lambda makes f local inside the lambda and so reduces lookup time.

  3. If you've got a fixed number of arguments, and you need to call f a lot of times:

    from collections import deque
    def itemtee(iterable, n=2):
        def gen(it = iter(iterable), items = deque(), next = next):
            popleft = items.popleft
            extend = items.extend
            while True:
                if not items:
                yield popleft()
        return [gen()] * n, *itemtee(c, n))

Where n is the number of arguments to f. This is adapted from itertools.tee.

You can use currying to create new function via partial method in Python

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from functools import partial

def some_func(param1, param2):
    # some code

# currying some_func with 'a' argument is repeated
func = partial(some_func, a)
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:, list_of_args):

If you need to pass more than one the same parameters you can pass them to partial method

func = partial(some_func, a, b, c)

You need to remove the * on the map call:

args = ((a, b) for b in c)
for result in, args):

This will call f, len(args) times, where f should accept one parameter.

If you want f to accept two parameters you can use a lambda call like:

args = ((a, b) for b in c)
for result in p: f(*p), args):   # (*p) does the unpacking part