Passing `Context` everywhere seems messy - create classes to handle different interactions with context?

Whenever passing a Context instance to another class, think,

"Is it possible that this class will actually live longer than the Context I'm passing to it?"

If the answer is no, don't worry. If the answer is yes, think why.

Views for example, when used normally, will never live longer than your Activity. As soon as the Activity gets garbage collected, your View will get garbage collected, so there's nothing to worry about.

Singletons however, do live longer, and will leak the Context. That is, when the Activity is supposed to be garbage collected, it will not be, because the singleton still has a reference to it.

A couple of solutions come to mind:

  • Use getApplicationContext() for singletons. This type of Context lives for as long as your application lives - thus for as long as your singleton lives.
  • Use WeakReferences. This ensures that you will not keep an active reference to your Context, and avoid leakage. You will however need to compensate for possible nullity of the Context.

Obviously, it is required you understand the basics of garbage collection. Here's an article about that.

As for the example code you've given, I see no difference in passing this instance around than passing the actual Context around. In both cases you hold a reference to the Context. In fact, the StateStorer class seems to be a singleton, and - like you did - should be provided with the ApplicationContext.

You will also often see that singletons, when supplied a Context, call getApplicationContext() on it themselves to avoid such mistakes:

public static MySingleton getInstance(final Context context) {
    if(sInstance == null) {
        sInstance = new MySingleton(context.getApplicationContext());

    return sInstance;