Passport.js: how to access user object after authentication?

Late to the party but found this unanswered after googling the answer myself.

Inside the request will be a req.user object that you can work withr.

Routes like so:

app.get('/api/portfolio', passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }),;

Controller like this:

buy: function(req, res) {
      //res.json({lel: req.user._id});
      res.json({lel: req.user});

In reference to the Passport documentation, the user object is contained in req.user. See below.'/login',
      passport.authenticate('local'),function(req, res) {
       // If this function gets called, authentication was successful.
       // `req.user` contains the authenticated user.
       res.redirect('/users/' + req.user.username);

That way, you can access your user object from the page you redirect to.

In case you get stuck, you can refer to my Github project where I implemented it clearly.