\pause in tikzpicture breaks footline

I just stumbled over this issue and found another work-around that does not require nesting lots of paused elements in braces: Add \onslide<1-> at the end of the tikzpicture environment (strangely it does not work if you put it after the environment):

\providecommand\thispdfpagelabel[1]{} % Not sure what this does but our installation requires it.
\usetheme{Madrid} % Has a footline.

      \node at (0, 1) {Hello};
      \node at (0, 0) {World};

I think the problem is that \pause isn't smart enough. The footline appears in the following:

\providecommand\thispdfpagelabel[1]{} % Not sure what this does but our installation requires it.
\usetheme{Madrid} % Has a footline.

      \node at (0, 1) {Hello};
\onslide<2->{\node at (0, 0) {World};}

That is, if you put your text to appear on the second slide in a \onslide<2->{} it will work. Or for a little more automation, use \onslide<+->{} which automatically increments things.

Not quite as intuitive as the pause command, but it does allow you more control...