Pentaho BI server report without Log in

You need the following user to be created under the Manage Users & Roles Perspective:

anonymousUser (notice the uppercase U)

You can give this user any password; this is only to make sure this user maps the user used in the configuration files inside pentaho-solutions/system

Make sure the Anonymous role has at least the Read Permission.

The Anonymous role should exist already in the BA Server (this is by default a system role in the Manage Users and Roles Perspective)

Under Public create a folder: in my case "OpenReports"

Select the "OpenReports" folder click properties > click Share > Uncheck > Inherits folder permissions

Make sure to add anonymousUser and role anonymous to it and they at least the Read permission

Click OK

Copy an Analyzer report to the new OpenReports folder

Verify the permissions for anonymousUser and Anonymous role were inherited; if not add them accordingly.

Stop BA Server

Locate the following file:


Add the following lines:








The following lines open the anonymous access to the OpenReports folder and its contents







and before:


Add the following lines: (these open the URL access to the Analyzer plugin)





Make sure to add these lines:



and before:


Locate the following

Change the following lines from:






Save the file

Restart your BA Server

You should be able to successfully call the report by URL without having to authenticate through the login page; here is a sample URL:

Here the simplest way to bypass the log in :

it's work for me, i'm using pentaho 5.4

don't forget to create anonymousUser and in "system Roles" check only "Read Content".

if you use admin user and then you try to access http://localhost:8080/pentaho/Home it will automaticly login because the browser still have session login.

sorry for my bad english,