perl6 What is a quick way to de-select array or list elements?

sub infix:<not-at> ($elems, @not-ats) {
  my $at = 0;
  flat gather for @not-ats -> $not-at {
    when $at < $not-at { take $at++ xx $not-at - $at } 
    NEXT { $at++ }
    LAST { take $at++ xx $elems - $not-at - 1 }

my @a = < a b c d e f g >;
say @a[ * not-at (1, 3, 5) ]; # (a c e g)

I think the operator code is self-explanatory if you know each of the P6 constructs it uses. If anyone would appreciate an explanation of it beyond the following, let me know in the comments.

I'll start with the two aspects that generate the call to not-at.

* aka Whatever

From the Whatever doc page:

When * is used in term position, that is, as an operand, in combination with most operators, the compiler will transform the expression into a closure of type WhateverCode

* is indeed used in the above as an operand. In this case it's the left argument (corresponding to the $elems parameter) of the infix not-at operator that I've just created.

The next question is, will the compiler do the transform? The compiler decides based on whether the operator has an explicit * as the parameter corresponding to the * argument. If I'd written * instead of $elems then that would have made not-at one of the few operators that wants to directly handle the * and do whatever it chooses to do and the compiler would directly call it. But I didn't. I wrote $elems. So the compiler does the transform I'll describe next.

The transform builds a new WhateverCode around the enclosing expression and rewrites the Whatever as "it" aka the topic aka $_ instead. So in this case it turns this:

* not-at (1,3,5)

into this:

{ $_ not-at (1,3,5) }

What [...] as a subscript does

The [...] in @a[...] is a Positional (array/list) subscript. This imposes several evaluation aspects, of which two matter here:

  • "it" aka the topic aka $_ is set to the length of the list/array.

  • If the content of the subscript is a Callable it gets called. The WhateverCode generated as explained above is indeed a Callable so it gets called.

So this:

@a[ * not-at (1,3,5) ]

becomes this:

@a[ { $_ not-at [1,3,5] } ]

which turns into this:

 @a[ { infix:not-at(7, [1,3,5]) } ]

Here's another option:

my @a = < a b c d e f g >;
say @a[@a.keys.grep(none(1, 3, 5))];

But all in all, arrays aren't optimized for this use case. They are optimized for working with a single element, or all elements, and slices provide a shortcut for (positively) selecting several elements by key.

If you tell us about the underlying use case, maybe we can recommend a more suitable data structure.

Given the indexer wants the elements to extract, we could solve this by turning the list of elements to exclude into a list of ranges of elements to extract. That is, given:

1, 3, 5

We'd produce something equivalent to:

0..0, 2..2, 4..4, 6..Inf


my @exclude = 1, 3, 5;

We can do:

-1, |@exclude Z^..^ |@exclude, Inf

To break it down, zip (-1, 1, 3, 5) with (1, 3, 5, Inf), but using the range operator with exclusive endpoints. This results in, for the given example:

(-1^..^1 1^..^3 3^..^5 5^..^Inf)

Which is equivalent to the ranges I mentioned above. Then we stick this into the indexer:

my @a = <a b c d e f g>
my @exclude = 1, 3, 5;
say @a[-1, |@exclude Z^..^ |@exclude, Inf].flat

Which gives the desired result:

(a c e g)

This approach is O(n + m). It will probably work out quite well if there array is long, but the number of things to exclude is comparatively small, since it only produces the Range objects needed for the indexing, and then indexing by range is relatively well optimized.

Finally, should the flat on the outside be considered troublesome, it's also possible to move it inside:

@a[{ flat -1, |@exclude Z^..^ |@exclude, $_ }]

Which works because the block is passed the number of elements in @a.