Perlbrew for perl6

This is probably what you want for the near future–rakudobrew. I’m using it on OS X 10.8–10 without any trouble at all (well, some of the C/image stuff won’t build for me—I wanted to do the space invaders—but everything else is great and easy).

Oh, I missed Christoph’s comment; sorry. To add value to the proposition, I’ll also suggest panda, a cpanm-lite-like tool to work with some of the better available perl6 modules.

According to the Rakudo website both rakudobrew and panda are discouraged.

zef seems to be the preferred tool for module management and it is also referenced from the Perl 6 Documentation.

One comment on the How to get rakudo is Mac OS specific:

Rajeev Jha says:    
2011.11.01 at 18:28 

Here are the instructions for building on mac osx lion
create a new dir, say nuke and cd to it (xcode should be installed)

1. wget
2. tar -zxvf rakudo-star-2011.07.tar.gz
3. cd rakudo-star-2011.07
4. perl –gen-moar
5. make
6. make install

Run perl6 from nuke/rakudo-star-2011.07/perl6

For part 1 use the newest file you find instead of a version from 2011.

