pgfplots: use foreach inside addplot
To avoids expansion issues with \foreach
, pgfplots
offers \pgfplotsinvokeforeach
which can be used without problems; also, you can easily draw your lines from the curve to the axis using the function (no need to find intersections points); declaring the function from the beginning also simplifies the code:
The code:
\pgfmathparse{(#1-5)^2 + 20}%
,axis lines=left
\addplot[samples=100,domain=0:10] {myfunct(x)};
\addplot coordinates { (#1,0) (#1,40) };}
,axis lines=left
\addplot[samples=100,domain=0:10] {myfunct(x)};
\addplot coordinates { (#1,0) (#1,{myfunct(#1)}) };
\node[above=5pt] at (axis cs:#1,{myfunct(#1)}) {\pgfmathprint{myfunct(#1)}};
Using the same idea, name the path for the curve and inside \pgfplotsinvokeforeach
draw the lines and name them; find the intersection points and draw the desired lines with the required labels:
-6 36
-5 25
-4 16
-3 9
-2 4
-1 1
0 0
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16
5 25
6 36
axis lines=left,
scaled ticks=false,
\addplot[no marks,smooth,name path=curve] table {mydata.dat};
\addplot[draw=none,name path={line#1}] coordinates { (#1,0) (#1,40) };
\path[name intersections={of=curve and line#1,by={point#1}}];
(axis cs:#1,0) -- (point#1) node[above,black] {#1};
The correct syntax (or at least a syntax which works) can be seen below:
% arara: pdflatex
,axis lines=left
\addplot[samples=100,domain=0:10] {(x-5)^2 + 20};
\foreach \x in {1,...,9}
{\edef\temp{\noexpand\addplot coordinates { (\x,0) (\x,40)};}\temp}