PHP how set default value to a variable in the class?

You can use a constructor to set the initial values (or pretty much do anything for that matter) as you need to like this:

class example

    public $name;

    public function __construct()


Then you can use these default values in your other functions.

class example

    public $name;

    public function __construct()

    public function test1($inputName)
        echo "The name is ".$this->name."\r\n";


$ex=new example();
$ex->test1(" "); // prints first.
$ex->test1("Bobby"); // prints Bobby
$ex->test1($_POST["name"]); // works as you expected it to.

you have two options to set the default values for the class attributes:

Option 1: set at the parameter level.

class A 
    public $name = "first";

    public function test1()
        echo $this->name;

$f = new A();

Option 2: the magic method __construct() always being executed each time that you create a new instance.

class A 
    public $name;

    public function __construct() 
        $this->name = 'first';

    public function test1()
        echo $this->name;

$f = new A();