PhpStorm is not starting up

Some plug-ins can cause problems and prevent IDE from starting, if it happens, you should delete the directory containing plug-in manually. Location of this directory depends on the system and product, details are available in the FAQ.

For PhpStorm on Linux it would be ~/.WebIde50/config/plugins.

In linux, I fixed it by deleting vmoptions file of PhpStorm and then launching it again:

mv  ~/.config/JetBrains/PhpStorm*/phpstorm64.vmoptions ~/.config/JetBrains/PhpStorm*/__phpstorm64.vmoptions

If you're on Windows deleting the following directory helped me:


This happend to me too, I had created a custom vmoptions file, and entered incorrect values. I fixed it by deleting it in ~/.WebIde50/phpstorm.vmoptions

