Physically migrate MySQL without a dump
Here is what you can do:
- Old DB Server :
- New DB Server :
STEP 01) On the Old Server, service mysql stop
STEP 02) On the Old Server, rsync -av --progress /var/lib/mysql [email protected]:/var/lib/mysql
STEP 03) On the New Server, chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql
STEP 04) On the New Server, service mysql start
Make sure /var/lib/mysql
on the New Server is on a much bigger disk mount
You can also migrate it on-the-fly to another server, sending data through pipes and SSH. It's useful if the target host have a different MySQL version, for example.
I just wrote a blog post explaining how I did it:
There is an explanation there, but if you don't care, just run something like below.
Target host:
nc -l 3456 | \
gunzip | \
pv | \
mysql -u tdb_user -ptdb_pass targetdatabase
Source host:
mysqldump -u sdb_user -psdb_pass sourcedatabase | \
pv | \
gzip | \
ssh sshuser@targethost nc 3456