PlayOnLinux Steam black screen
This is a common problem with Wine/Steam. I encountered it and here's what I did to make it work. Make sure to have your wine compatibility set to Windows XP for Steam while running the exe with the "-no-cef-sandbox" argument.
Example : "wine Steam.exe -no-cef-sandbox"
This can be done in PlayOnLinux by following these steps:
Highlight the program you wish to run and click configure (Steam in this case (I just renamed it to Steamwine when installing it))
Now enter "-no-cef-sandbox" into the arguments box. It should look like the box below when you are done:
Now go over to the Wine tab and click "Configure Wine" And make sure the "Windows Version" is set to "Windows XP"
Now click okay once Windows XP is the Windows Version that is set, and close out the PlayOnLinux Configuration window. You may need to quit PlayOnLinux for changes to apply.