Please write a code to draw icosahedron

This code requires the experimental library 3dtools.

\path foreach \Coord [count=\X] in 
  {\Coord coordinate (p\X) \pgfextra{\xdef\NumVertices{\X}}};
 %\message{number of vertices is \NumVertices^^J} 
 % normal of screen 
 \path[overlay] ({sin(\tdplotmaintheta)*sin(\tdplotmainphi)},
    {cos(\tdplotmaintheta)}) coordinate (n)
    ({-sqrt(1/6)},{sqrt(3/6)},{sqrt(2/6)})  coordinate (L); 
 \foreach \poly in 
  \path[overlay,3d coordinate={(dA)=(p\itwo)-(p\ione)},
   3d coordinate={(dB)=(p\itwo)-(p\ithree)},
   3d coordinate={(nA)=(dA)x(dB)}] ;
  % make sure that the normal points outwards
   \path[overlay,3d coordinate={(nA)=(dB)x(dA)}];
  % compute projection the normal of the polygon on the normal of screen    
   \draw[thick] [fill=white,fill opacity=0.2]
   plot[samples at=\poly,variable=\x](p\x) -- cycle; 
   \begin{scope}[on background layer] 
    \draw[gray,ultra thin] 
    plot[samples at=\poly,variable=\x](p\x) -- cycle;  

\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,
    bullet/.style={circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt}]
 %\foreach \X in {1,...,\NumVertices}  {\path (p\X) node[above]{\X};}
 \path (p12) node[above]{$D$} -- 
  (p2) node[above]{$A$}
  (p7) node[left]{$B$} -- 
  (p11) node[below right]{$C$};
  \path let \p1=($(N)-(0,0)$) in
   node[regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6,draw,thick,minimum size=2*\y1] 
  \path (6gon.corner 1) node[above] {$D$}
   -- node[bullet,label=above:$N$](N'){}
   (6gon.corner 2) node[above] {$A$};
  \draw[thick] (6gon.corner 3) node[left] {$M$} 
   -- node[bullet,label=below right:$O$](O){}
   (6gon.corner 6)
   (O) edge (N');
  \draw ([xshift=-1em]  |- ([yshift=1em];

enter image description here

The icosahedron is rotatable in 3d.

\path foreach \Coord [count=\X] in 
  {\Coord coordinate (p\X) \pgfextra{\xdef\NumVertices{\X}}};
 %\message{number of vertices is \NumVertices^^J} 
 % normal of screen 
 \path[overlay] ({sin(\tdplotmaintheta)*sin(\tdplotmainphi)},
    {cos(\tdplotmaintheta)}) coordinate (n)
    ({-sqrt(1/6)},{sqrt(3/6)},{sqrt(2/6)})  coordinate (L); 
 \foreach \poly in 
  \path[overlay,3d coordinate={(dA)=(p\itwo)-(p\ione)},
   3d coordinate={(dB)=(p\itwo)-(p\ithree)},
   3d coordinate={(nA)=(dA)x(dB)}] ;
  % make sure that the normal points outwards
   \path[overlay,3d coordinate={(nA)=(dB)x(dA)}];
  % compute projection the normal of the polygon on the normal of screen    
   \draw[thick] [fill=white,fill opacity=0.2]
   plot[samples at=\poly,variable=\x](p\x) -- cycle; 
   \begin{scope}[on background layer] 
    \draw[gray,ultra thin] 
    plot[samples at=\poly,variable=\x](p\x) -- cycle;  
\foreach \XX in {0,10,...,350}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,
    bullet/.style={circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt}]
 \path (-3.5,-3.5) rectangle (3.5,3.5);

enter image description here

Please see if this meets the requirement

enter image description here

\usepackage{graphics, tkz-berge}
    \SetVertexNoLabel   % <--- This avoids that default $a_0$, .. $b_0$ labels show up

    % Following two lines assign labels to a-like and b-like nodes
    % change it as you prefer
    \AssignVertexLabel{a}{$v_0$, $v_1$, $v_2$, $v_3$, $v_4$, $v_5$};
    \AssignVertexLabel{b}{$v_6$, $v_7$, $v_8$, $v_9$, $v_{10}$, $v_{11}$};

    % The remaining code is unchanged
    \SetUpEdge[color=white,style={double=black,double distance=2pt}]

Thanks to @JLDiaz who has given the solution --

