Plot a list of numbers

Python 2, 118 bytes

Saving 2 bytes thanks to Shebang

def f(n,L):
 for i in range(n):print''.join(' #'[i==j]for j in[n-1-int(~-n*(x-min(L))/(max(L)-min(L))+0.5)for x in L])

Mathematica, 91 bytes

StringRiffle[(Join[" "~Table~#,{"#"},Table[" ",a-#]]&/@⌊(a=#2-1)Rescale@#⌋),"

Anonymous function. The Unicode characters are respectively U+230A LEFT FLOOR for \[LeftFloor], U+230B RIGHT FLOOR for \[RightFloor], and U+F3C7 (private use) for \[Transpose]. Output for the test case:

   ## ##            
  #     #           
 #       #          
#                  #
          #       # 
           #     #  