Polynomial Interpolation
J + sh
J script:
c=:|.(%.(x:((i.#i)^~])"0({."1 i)))(+/ .*)(|:{:"1 i)
sh script:
echo -n 'f(x) = '
tr -d 'f()=' | tr /\\n- r' '_ | ./polyint.ijs | sed -e 's/^/+/;s/_/-/;s/\([0-9]*\)r\([0-9]*\)/\\frac{\1}{\2}/;s/ \([0-9]*$\)/x^\1/;s/\^1//;s/x^0//;s/+\(.*-.*\)/\1/'
Run the sh script:
f(1/2) = -1/2
f(-25) = -1/2
f(-54/12) = -1/2
f(x) = -\frac{1}{2}
f(4/3) = 617/8
f(2) = 20/3
f(-8/3) = 6749/81
f(-5) = 7367/12
f(0) = 23/3
f(x) = -\frac{37745}{14592}x^4
+ \frac{57809}{7296}x^2
+ \frac{225205}{2736}x
+ \frac{23}{3}
Perl (569 characters)
use Math'BigInt;sub r{($u,$v)=@_;$v?r($v,$u%$v):$u}sub c{new Math'BigInt$_[0]}$a=@c=<>;for(@c){m!(-?\d+)/?(\d*). = (-?\d+)/?(\d*)!;$j{$_,$i}=$1**c$_,$k{$_,$i|=0}=($2||1)**c$_ for 0..$a;$j{$a,$i}=c$3;$k{$a,$i++}=c$4||1}for$p(0..$a-1){for$y(0..$p-1,$p+1..$a-1){$n=$j{$p,$y}*$k{$p,$p};$o=$k{$p,$y}*$j{$p,$p};$j{$_,$y}=$j{$_,$y}*$k{$_,$p}*$o-$k{$_,$y}*$j{$_,$p}*$n,$k{$_,$y}*=$k{$_,$p}*$o for 0..$a}}print"f(x)=";for(1..$a){$s=r$t=$j{$a,$p=$a-$_}*$k{$p,$p},$w=$k{$a,$p}*$j{$p,$p};$u=abs$t,print$t>0?"$z":'-',($z='+',$w/=$s)-1?"\\frac{$u}{$w}":$u,$p>1?"x^$p":x x$p if$t/=$s}
Detailed explanation:
use Math'BigInt;
# Subroutine to calculate gcd of two numbers
sub r{($u,$v)=@_;$v?r($v,$u%$v):$u}
# Subroutine to create BigInts
sub c{new Math'BigInt$_[0]}
# Read input
# Throughout, $a is the number of equations.
# Initialises the $a+1 × $a matrix with all the values.
# $j{$x,$y} contains the numerator, $k{$x,$y} the denominator.
m!(-?\d+)/?(\d*). = (-?\d+)/?(\d*)!;
# Puzzle for the reader: why is $i|=0 in the second one,
# not the first one? Answer at the bottom!
$j{$_,$i}=$1**c$_,$k{$_,$i|=0}=($2||1)**c$_ for 0..$a;
# Generates the matrix echelon form.
# Basically, it works like this:
# For each element along the diagonal {$p,$p}, set all the values above and
# below it to 0 by adding a multiple of row $p to each of the other rows.
# So we need to multiply the row $p by the value of {$p,$y}/{$p,$p}
# (stored in $n/$o) and then subtract that from row $y.
for 0..$a
# Outputs the result
# Note this sets $p = $a-$_. $p is the power of x.
# We need to divide {$a,$p} by {$p,$p}. Store the result in $t/$w.
# We also need to put the fraction in lowest terms, so calculate the gcd.
# Output this term only if the numerator ($t) is non-zero.
# Output a plus sign only if this isn’t the first term.
# Output a fraction only if the denomator ($w) isn’t 1.
($z='+',$w/=$s)-1?"\\frac{$u}{$w}":$u,$p>1?"x^$p":x x$p
# Answer to the puzzle buried in the code above:
# It’s because the second part is passed as a second argument to c,
# hence it is evaluated before the first part.
- I am sure there is a module for matrix manipulation that provides a function for echelon form. I specifically didn’t use that (didn’t even search for one) because I assume it is the point of this contest to do it yourself. It is more interesting that way, too. Of course the same could be said about BigInt, but then I suspect nobody will attempt this challenge...
(630 → 585) Realised I can do the echelon form in one loop instead of two. Add explanation as comments in code.
(585 → 583) Just discovered the package syntax that lets me use
instead of::
.(583 → 573) Some more microgolfing
(573 → 569) Shorter regular expression to parse input
TI-Basic(83/84): 109 characters
Technically 109 characters, TI-Basic counts dim(, For(, ->, rref(, [A], and lists as "one character".
The input is formatted into L1 and L2, in (x,y) pairs [e.x. L1=(1,2,3,4), L2=(2,3,5,7)].
Disp L3