Populating JavaScript Array from JSP List

The primary problem in your code is that you forgot to put "status.index" inside ${ }.

countries[${status.index}] = new Array();

Now, that said, that would be a pretty bad way to do things because you'd end up with a lot of Javascript code in your page. Much much better to create the list using Javascript object notation as in the second of @John Hartsock's answers.

Have you considered using JSON? There are several libraries out there that can take a generic collection and output JSON for Java and other languages.

var countries = new Array();
<c:forEach items="${countryList}" var="country" varStatus="status"> 
    countryDetails = new Object();
    countryDetails.country = ${country.name}; 
    var provinces = new Array();

        <c:forEach items="${country.provinces}" var="province" varStatus="provinceStatus"> 
    countryDetails.provinces = provinces;

now what you have is something like this in javascript

var countries = [
  provinces: [
    "New York",
  provinces: [
    "Northern Territory",

The other option would be to make your output look like the javascript I posted.

var countries = [
<c:forEach items="${countryList}" var="country" varStatus="status">  
    {country: '${country.name}',
    provinces : [ 
        <c:forEach items="${country.provinces}" var="province" varStatus="provinceStatus">  
           <c:if test="${!provinceStatus.last}">    
    <c:if test="${!status.last}">    