Possible bug in GDAL?

My answer to your issue would be to switch to using the Weather-Climate Toolkit from NOAA.

Download Here for Windows/Mac/Linux

It can export gridded and radial NEXRAD/MRMS data to CSV. A sample batch command for anyone needing this assistance would be :

wct-export DataSetName.grib2.gz csv Output.csv wctbatchconfig.xml

If it throws errors, try a different/earlier/beta version of WCT from : https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/wct/dist/ and be sure to check the sample commands on the website.

As you suggest, this seems to be a bug in GDAL. I tested the same command using GDAL 2.4.2, and it works. The change log for 2.4.0 points to several fixes to the GRIB driver.

GRIB driver:

  • replace DataSource? and derived classes with VSILFILE directly for > 4GB file support on Windows
  • turn printf() warning as CPLDebug() messages
  • read and write missing data values correctly for complex packing when original data is integer (#1063)
  • g2clib: avoid int overflow. Fixes ​https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/detail?id=8194
  • g2clib: avoid potential out of bound access (CID 1393528)
  • degrib: fix floating point division by zero. Fixes ​https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/detail?id=9407.
  • degrib: avoid potential floating point division by zero. Fixes ​https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/detail?id=10291
  • add UNIT[] node to SRS on reading, so that is valid