Possible to extract Embedded image to a file?

I just needed to do this and realised that it is possible to cut and paste the embedded image, even though it is not possible to copy and paste.

Two approaches are detailed in this blog post:

  1. Copy the encoded image from one report to another if you need to reuse it there.
  2. Export a copy of the report to Excel and copy the image from the spreadsheet.

Or if you need access to the image more directly, I found this utility that will parse the XML and load and export the images. Looks like source code is available.

  1. Open the XML (in notepad++ or anything)
  2. Look for the <ImageData></ImageData> tags
  3. Copy the 64-bit encoded string between the tags
  4. Find a utility to convert x64 encoded strings to files. I used this website and downloaded the image

I have created a small Power Shell script to solve this problem:

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
Get-ChildItem -Filter '*.rdl' | ForEach {
    $reportFile = $_;
    Write-Host $reportFile;
    $report = [xml](Get-Content $reportFile);
    $report.Report.EmbeddedImages.EmbeddedImage | Foreach {
        $imagexml = $_;
        $imageextension = $imagexml.MIMEType.Split('/')[1];
        $filename = $imagexml.Name + '.' + $imageextension;
        Write-Host '->' $filename;
        $imageContent =  [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($imagexml.ImageData);
        Set-Content -Path $filename -Encoding Byte -Value $imageContent;


This script extracts all images from all reports in the current folder.