Postgres Interval not working with native spring data JPA query

You can't provide a value for an interval like that. You need to multiple the parameter value with your interval base unit:

"select * from orders 
where created_date  < clock_timestamp() - (interval '1' day) * :days"

As you are dealing with days, you can simplify that to:

"select * from orders 
where created_date  < clock_timestamp() - :days"

Another option is the make_interval() function. You can pass multiple parameters for different units.

"select * from orders 
where created_date  < clock_timestamp() - make_interval(days => :days)"

The notation days => ... is a named parameter for a function call. If the variable represents hours, you could use make_interval(hours => ..)

One solution is provided in this entry Spring Boot Query annotation with nativeQuery doesn't work in Postgresql


@Query(value="select * from orders where created_date  < clock_timestamp() - ( :toTime )\\:\\:interval",nativeQuery=true)

'toTime' is a Param from your repository and could be days, hour, minute... etc(review interval doc in Postgres) @Param("toTime") String toTime