PostgreSQL 10 on Linux - LC_COLLATE locale en_US.utf-8 not valid
I had the same error, I generated the new locale:
locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
I verified with locale -a
that it was in fact present, then I logged out just to make sure, but I was still getting the same error on the database creation.
Finally, I solved the error by simply restarting the postgresql server with:
sudo systemctl restart postgresql
After that, the database creation command was working!
check for available locales with locale -a
if not found, try manually adding it with:
locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
after this
should work
It's been performed on kubuntu and works perfectly, with some additional steps previously mentioned above, the right steps should be:
Validate the existence; if it doesn't exist, proceed to create it (will require sudo privileges)
locale -a |grep -i 'es_ES.utf-8' sudo locale-gen es_PE.UTF-8
Validate if the locale was created.
locale -a|grep -i es es_ES.utf8 es_PE.utf8
After the creation of the locale proceed to restart the postgres service, otherwise u will be getting the following error :
ERROR: invalid locale name: "es_ES.UTF-8"
Restart the postgres service
systemctl restart postgresql
Finally, database was created.
postgres=# create database db_izipay_prod with template=template0 encoding='utf8' lc_collate='es_ES.UTF-8' lc_ctype='es_ES.UTF-8' owner=postgres; CREATE DATABASE