Pre vs Post Increment

When exactly is that +1 getting added?

According to the standard:

The value computation of the ++ expression is sequenced before the modification of the operand object.

From a layman's point of view:

  1. Computation of counter is sequenced, which could be part of the entire RHS of the statement or just the term counter++.
  2. Computation of counter += 1 is sequenced before the next statement in the program is sequenced.

There are two things to keep in mind.

  1. The value of a term -- what it evaluates to in an expression.
  2. The side effects of the evaluation of the term.

In the case of counter++:

The value of the term is the value of counter before it is incremented.
The side effect of evaluation of the term is incrementing of the value of counter.

Also for a better understanding you can consider these loosely described examples:

  • think of the pre-increment for the_object of the_type as a function like this:
the_object = the_object + 1;
return the_object;
  • now think of the Post-increment for the_object of the_type as a function like this:
the_type backup_of_the_object;
backup_of_the_object = the_object;
the_object = the_object + 1;
return backup_of_the_object;

Now consider:

result = counter++ + 10;

When the program is being compiled:

  1. compiler sees result = at the beginning of the line, so it should first determine what is placed at the right side of = and then produce the machine code to assign it to the left side of = which is result.
  2. compiler sees counter but the statement has not ended because; has not been reached yet. So now it knows that it also has to do something with counter.
  3. compiler sees ++ but the statement has not ended. So now it knows that it has to consider producing the machine code to perform counter++ first.

  4. compiler sees +. So now it knows that it has to consider producing the machine code to add the right side of + and the left side of + which was counter++.

  5. compiler sees 10; and finally the statement has ended. So now it knows all that it needed to know! It knows that after producing the machine code to perform counter++, it should produce the machine code to add 10 to the outcome_of it. Then it should produce the machine code to assign the outcome_of that to the result.

when the program is running:

  1. CPU should perform counter++

now counter is incremented by 1 hence it is 11 but the outcome_of(counter++) is the previous value of the counter which is 10

  1. CPU should perform outcome_of(counter++) + 10

now outcome_of(outcome_of(counter++) + 10) is outcome_of(10 + 10) which is 20

  1. CPU should perform result = outcome_of(outcome_of(counter++) + 10)

now result is 20

Also please note that every stages that was described was only about
result = counter++ + 10;
regardless of what is going to happen afterwards. Meaning before

cout << "Counter: " << counter << endl;
cout << "Result: " << result << endl;

so obviously before main() returns 0.

In my opinion you should take it easy and learn it through experience by writing and running some programs!

Good luck!

Post-increment operator: A post-increment operator is used to increment the value of variable after executing expression completely in which post increment is used. In the Post-Increment, value is first used in an expression and then incremented.

So in your case

result = counter++ + 10;

post increment takes place after it has been used in this statement, and obviously it is reflected in next statement.


