Prevent arrow keys from changing values in a number input

If you are using Angular, try:

<input type="number"onwheel="return false;" (keydown.arrowup)="(false) (keydown.arrowdown)="(false)"/>

There is no way of doing the behavior you are describing purely with CSS because CSS handles display and we are talking about behavior and keyboard events here.

I would suggest to add an event listener to your input which will prevent the arrow keys from having an effect on it witout actually preventing the page scroll with the input is not in focus:

document.getElementById('yourInputID').addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
    if (e.which === 38 || e.which === 40) {

If by any chance you want the arrow keys to scroll the page event if the input is in focus, I would suggest using JQuery which will allow you to write less code and it will support all browsers.


