Prevent code accidentally going into production
Have you solved this? I know 2 years have passed, but I just found this while searching what was STOPSHIP
after finding it by accident while commenting.
Summary: Code contains STOPSHIP marker
Priority: 10 / 10
Severity: Warning
Category: Correctness
NOTE: This issue is disabled by default!
You can enable it by adding --enable StopShip
So I would say you should have executed the command in order to enable it.
I've been using this flag reliably for several years now:
It doesn't have the issues that occurred long ago, when I posted this question.
Starting from Android Gradle Plugin 3.0 you can make following configuration in build.gradle
android {
lintOptions {
fatal 'StopShip'
This will break the build as long as there exists a StopShip
comment in codebase.
Watch the exact minute of Tor Norbye's "Kotlin Static Analysis with Android Lint" talk, where he talks about the feature.