Prevent Language selection at ubuntu installation

Doing what py4on suggested does simply shorten the list of available languages (to the extend of having one single element: en), but does not automate the language selection. It was probably working on older versions of Ubuntu but the requirement is for the Ubuntu Server 14.04. On 16.04 the instructions below may change to isolinux and isolinux.cfg instead of syslinux depending how you create the media.

In order to avoid this intervention at the language selection menu, the option timeout of syslinux should be set to a strictly positive value. After the specified timeout, the default language will be selected and the default booting entry of syslinux will be selected. The timeout parameter of syslinux represents a time in deci-seconds, and the default value is 0, corresponding to an "infinite timeout".

Therefore, one could set timeout 10 to make syslinux wait 1 second before proceeding with the default value. The best place to put the parameter is in syslinux/syslinux.cfg. For example:

echo "timeout 10" >> syslinux/syslinux.cfg

In order to have a different language than en, I would suggest to proceed as py4on suggested by leaving only the chosen language in the syslinux/langlist file. For example:

echo "fr" > syslinux/langlist



Before creating the ISO, follow the steps listed on the link below - I've done this myself. For preselecting language specifically do:

# cd /opt/ubuntuiso
# echo en >isolinux/lang
